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mandag 17. juli 2017

Oiling the offset smoker

These offset smokers are usually not coated with a very long lasting paint. So after some time, they look like mine, partially rusted. Especially the fire box where there is highest heat. You might sandblast it and re-paint it with high temp paint. But after advice and some googling, I decided to try to oil it a bit for the time being a least.

Partially red as a fox...

You can see where it has been hot.

Brushed off a bit with a wire brush and brushed with sunflower oil. Any cooking oil will do I guess.

I only oiled the lids of the fire box and the main chamber

Fired up some char coals in the fire box and the main chamber to dry the oil. 

Easy and good protection. Looks almost like a clear coat of paint. 

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